I write book reviews, I also write books, and occasionally I write about myself!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The Great Big Career Change...

A lot has changed since I last posted on here. You may (but probably won't) remember that earlier on in the year I was having a bit of difficulty with the ol' life/work balance - basically I had none! Cutting my hours back helped a bit, but it didn't take long until the additional duties, and asking me to do extra hours, phone calls on my days off, etc, started piling on again.

It was around the end of summer when I realised that I. Was. Done. with my job. In the nearly ten 10 years since university I have only ever had one employer, and yes I had a 2 year break off work during that time, but enough was enough and I felt a change was needed.

And boy was it a big one. Let's just say going from banking and insurance into working for the NHS is veeeerrrrrryyyy different. Very! Applying for the job in the first place was a bit of a whim, actually getting an interview was surprising, and then to actually get the job was a complete shock!

Fast forward 5 weeks on and after a gruelling 4 weeks of full time training, which included 2 exams and audits, I am now flying solo and finding it, well er, challenging. Going from a job that I didn't like but could basically do with my eyes closed, to one where I actually had to use that brain that I'd buried away years ago has been a bit of a culture shock... But they say you can never go home again so I do want to make the most of this new role.

Not only that it works out so much better for my work/life balance. I only work 20 hours a week now over 4 evenings making it a lot better for me and my husband and Pete the dog!

Watch this space for more updates on the new job...! It might be interesting!


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