I write book reviews, I also write books, and occasionally I write about myself!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

365 books in 365 days Challenge ... book #211

A Match for Meredith - Jenny Arden
Mills & Boon Romance
Mills & Boon, 1992
ISBN: 9780263774344

My rating

From the back cover:

"From the moment their cars brushed, Meredith's and Rhys's relationship was set on a fiery course. She has never met a man like him: he knew what he wanted and he intended to get it. He unnerved her; he made her feel insecure and, above all, he made her feel all woman - she wasn't sure she could cope. Thank goodness for safe Trefor - now there was a relationship she could control..."

I'm trying to vary the books I read a little better as at the moment I seem to read certain types of books in phases! This is another second hand oldie that I had on my bookshelf, and once again the cover image is one I had to provide by photographing my copy.

The heroine Meredith and the hero Rhys meet when they have a slight altercation with their cars. Meredith is annoyed and flustered by Rhys's devil-may-care attitude and hopes never to see him again. But to her chagrin she learns that he is her father's newest employee as well as his friend. Despite her dislike for Rhys, Meredith is also confused over the attraction she feels towards him, an attraction that Rhys makes clear is mutual. She has a rather tenuous relation with Trefor, whom she sees as much more reliable than Rhys, however when Trefor proposes she begins to realise that she wants more than just reliable. However she is not sure if her tumultuous feelings for Rhys can give her a future.

I really enjoyed this book, and for and older one I was really surprised by it's very modern feel. The development of the relationship between Rhys and Meredith is done very well and feels very natural. I really responded to the love/hate nature of their early interactions, it gave such a freshness and spark to the story. Meredith is a very feisty and independent heroine, especially for her time. I wish that the hero's POV was included though!
I didn't quite understand the inclusion of Meredith's bitchy sister-in-law, in my opinion the story had enough conflict without her.

This is a really nice romance, quick to read, well written and a nice love story with plenty of spark.


1 comment:

  1. I remember this book very well and i hope i find it again. Trefor's betrayal shocked me; i didn't think he was that sort of man, and i didn't like meredith's sister in law at all- and you're right, why add her to the story?
